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Corrine Mary Clarke - Johnson - Online Memorial Website

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Corrine Clarke - Johnson
Born in Bahamas
91 years
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I remember it now but when u said it I did not understand. That Sunday in the hospital when u said that the people at the church told u of the weding celebration for Mr. Rolle and myself that would take place on a Sunday or Wednesday. Little did I know then that u were preparing me fior the actual day of your passing. 'Other' it was excatly one week later on a aWednesday that you went home and left me, but I know that u r in a better place where there is no pain or suffering only a smile on your Savior's face. How the angels must have welcomed u after such a gallant fight. Maxine, daddy, Lil Gee, Mikey, Grimes and all the rest danced all night when u  were finally laid to rest. How sweet Heaven must be !  Your presence at home during the Christmas was a sad but happy one. I am forever grateful that u shared that one last Christmas at home with us. U always said that u wanted to sit in your trollkey one more time. We gave you your wish and prayed everything would be fine.

You did not want me to give u any birthday cake. Whenever I would say that  I would wait for u to come home so that we could celebrate, u turned your face away from me. I know now u did not want me to see u go. How blessed I am to have had you not only as my Mother , but my best friend. I will luv u 4 evr. Sleep in peace until we meet again.  

Carla Deveaux

To my grammy mudda. I Carla Clarissa Deveaux have lost the world's greatest woman. Because of you i have become a good mother,sister,niece,cousin, friend and lover. You have taught me not to think only of myself but of others and to always put my best foot foward. As time passes by i will get stronger; i know that is what you would like for me to do. So rest on mudda i promise to put God first in everything i do so that when i take my rest i will be able to see you again. To my mother, my three aunts and my one and only uncle i love you guys very much. Stay strong because we are all a part of 'Miss J's Crew'.

lOVE ALWAYS "Bag Woman #1"

There are so many memories that we shared. The many nights when you would awaken me to say that you could hear the singing and see the angels dressesed in white as they stood around your bed and beckoned you to come home. The songs we sang that bought you cmfort. How I would rub you leg when the pain seemed unbearable. I was tired too and needed my rest, but I would do it all again if you were here with me now. I miss you at your favorite spot (the window). U were always there when I pulled up in the afternoons, but now only your trolley reminds me of your physical presence. I recall your favorite saying'' freind gat friend', but it was only at your passing when so many people came by that I was able to understand the true meaning of this phrase. 'Other I will always remember the good and bad times that we shared. However, I am blessed to have had you s my mother for such a long time. You will forever be in  my heart. I will luv u now and always.
Carlyn Deveaux

Sunday, three weeks ago I visited my grand-mother at the hospital. We sing hymns and she prayed for her family. Reflecting on those who stood by her and her love for them. Echoing in my mind are words of love forevery member of her family. With the desirer to see them one day in the heavenly courts of the New Jerusalem. On the 23 of January 2010 at her funerial if you see them cry. Please let them cry, and carry the memories of strength, pillow of there heart live on through there lives.


fairy well granny

Bro bo

Carolyn Johnson

" Other' I remeember how this name came about just like it was yesterday. Kelsie was learning how to talk and could't say Mother, she called you " Other" and it stuck with you for the rest of your life. How I thank you for the many years you shared with with me, Vannie, Koochie and your gir Telsie. We could never repay you for what you did for us so unselfishly. We could only carry you in our hearts and be that tower of strength for each other that you would want to be. We will remember you always!

Sleep on 'Other ' and take your well deserved rest. We love you, but Jesus loves you best. May your soul rest in the peace of Heaven. 

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